Thursday, 27 August 2015

How to look towards a health issue.

A few days back I felt a pain in my back, in the upper part of my spine. It was an evening time. And I was dead tired so early in the evening on that day. While going to the bed the pain was there with some pain in my legs. But when I got up in the morning it was not there. I started thinking about it. What happened? Why it came & why it went. I know nothing happens without any reason.

I remembered on that day I got up early. Feeling very fresh so did lot of gardening work, almost two hrs. Then my routine started with lot of work in the clinic and also moving around on two wheeler. I normally rest in the noon for some time but I didn’t completed that rest. Just rested for 10-15 mins. After contemplating I realised that I did much more work than my strength. Naturally the outcome was backache. Very obvious cause & effect relationship.

 Wisdom of Ayurveda speaks about relationship of exertion and Vata imbalance. Due to exertion Vata in the body increases. As you know Vata increases dryness in the body which will cause stiffness of muscles and pain. So I was clear about cause & effect of my backache. As I took a good rest my Vata subsided and pain went off.

I learned a many lessons from this experience. One is that my pain has some obvious reasons and I myself reach to them. Naturally I can thought of the corrective measures. Now whenever such think will happen to me I won’t get worried. I will realise that due to some over exertion the pain has come. I will also accept the fact that my body can’t exert more than this today. May be later it will be more strong if I take proper corrective actions. I will not get depressed with this fact and will not make it a mental issue. Why to make it a worry and create more problems for me, this is the fact. Wisdom of Ayurveda teaches you about the limitations of our body.

I will take a good rest as a corrective measure may be with some oil application. I will be fine for the next day. If I am wiser I will be more careful about my exertion and will know my limits and stop accordingly. A step ahead and taking a preventive action. And then a positive step ahead will be taking actions to make myself stronger through appropriate exercise and food. This is the path to health.

But often person takes some wrong turns and reaches on the Path of ill-health. I was thinking about it after this experience of mine. Mostly if somethings happens like this he will not go to the reasoning and will go for some temporary measures such as pain killers. But after a period of time such issues will turns into a serious spine problem as he has not corrected the reasons and Vata was doing the damage, may be to such an extent that that surgery was the only remedy. He took a wrong turn.

Another turn is that he will consult the Doctor. Here also if they have not reached to these reasons and he will be on medicines and treatments. The problem continued with fluctuations in its intensity. And as it is not subsiding more & more medical intervention, stronger medicines and treatments. This might turn into more complications due to side effects of medicines. It may happen in any pathy if Doctor is not going to the roots. Some good clinicians reach to the cause –effect relationship and give advice accordingly. But chances of it is becoming less and less now a days. So another wrong turn.

Sometimes even though he found out the reasons he will not limit his activities. He does not want to respect the nature. He does not want to control his ever ambitious mind. So then he take a turn in finding out short cut solutions some miraculous medicines, remedies. All these remedies will always have a toll claims, take this and get read of 100 problems in just four weeks. Or some miraculous healer. He will give you medicine once or some treatment once and your problem is gone. This may be working for a person or two, I don’t know. But definitely not for thousands. Otherwise it would have been so simple. There won’t be any alarming health issue in the world.

Ayurveda again & again says that if one doesn’t follow the diet and lifestyle good for him how medicines are going to help him? So this short cuts are another wrong turn. And lastly even though he know the reasons he is not able to stop them as his mind is not in his control. He keeps on doing the same mistake and suffer again & again.

So try to find out the reasons of your problem, try to avoid them as much as you can and correlate the relief form the problem. Most of the times the reasons are your food, lifestyle, rest, climate and psychological issues. And if you are wise enough you can sort them at your level. Accept your strength.Then think of some positive action to strengthen your health. Be health independent!

Dr Nikhil


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